Well, we made it another week! The girls have been sick off and on and the weather has been freezing so we haven't had too many adventures lately. We are mostly staying home and indoors so all of the toys have had a busy week as well.
They love climbing and sliding in their room. They get up to the top and say "go, go, go" before they can slide down. And sometimes Bella acts like she's counting at the top but the only
number she knows is "TWO!!!" then I say three then she slides down.
Now that the playroom upstairs is underway a little bit that occupies a little of their time. They love having the freedom to go up and come down as they like. They won't play in there unless the light is on though- already afraid of the dark... and its not even that dark!!!
They say a new word every day it seems. Emma is more of a talker than Bella right now and she has learned "ball," "hello," "all done," "more," and "baby" in the past week or so. Bella says "hi" instead of "hello" which seems very odd that one would learn one word and one the other but I am trying to be less and less surprised by what they do!! The "B" words aren't coming as easily for them as I thought they were supposed to. I was told that "B" words were the easiest to say and usually the first but not in their case.
We have made a couple of trips to the park on a few occasions if the weather cooperates so they enjoy getting out of the house. Its so much fun to take them
now because they actually climb the ladders and slide down all by themselves and Emma likes to swing while Bella likes to explore the area. They love climbing on anything that stands still long enough and like to watch the big kids in the other section of the park.
They aren't scare of much, which is good and bad. They don't understand that you can't walk in front of another child while they are swinging because they could kick you into next week and just because the older kids can play on the zip line doesn't mean everyone should be able to do it. But at the same time its really cool because I assume they will need help getting up a ladder or over a step and they prove everytime that they are perfectly capable. I am already being needed less and less for the daily tasks.
They are getting better at feeding themselves, too. They are good with a fork because the food stays on it better than a spoon but we are trying to let them experience things for themselves. It usually means more time spent cleaning up but I guess that is the price you pay. Bella likes feeding Emma and herself yogurt and cheerios and whatever else she can find. She doesn't usually share crackers but anything else is fair game.
You just never know what they are going to do in a day. Emma loves to play dress-up already- especially in my closet. Here she had found a scarf of mine and knew exactly where it belonged. They are starting to try on shoes and apply makeup and every bottle or spray can (even if its Vicks) should be rubbed in their hands and applied directly to the hair. Emma especially thinks every product out there is a hair product. And sunglasses are a must for the little diva as well. She is going to be the first one in high heels with her ears pierced I'm sure. The only thing I can't get in her hair is a clip but we're still trying.
But all in all, I guess we are doing well. They have so much personality you just can't predict what the day will hold, but I guess that is why we do this! And if nothing else, I can never say we are bored because there is always something to do at the Tropilo house!!!
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