Monday, April 7, 2008

Big Mess

The girls have gotten so fun lately! Bella loves her newfound independence and she is exploring everything she can get to. She is getting faster and faster every day but still doesn't leave the living room area unless she's in her walker. And Emma is getting more and more frustrated that she can't move. She rolls over on her belly and then screams because she's stuck. Bella still pulls up on everything she can. This morning she climbed INTO her bouncy seat after whining to get out then used it to stand up and reach up onto the couch. Don't worry I was watching her the whole time and right there if she would have fallen, but I just had to see how far she would go. She also climbs onto a box we have all their books in and she looks inside but then realizes she's stuck so she cries until you come get her out. They are just getting to be so much fun- all those people that said "it's worth it" were definitely right. And now that they can sit and play on their own they are SO much easier. They love eating their biter biscuits and puffs so I did a little video of them eating and making a big mess before bath time the other night.

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